While the situation seems to be changing week by week, we now know that Kentucky courts will not reopen and begin operating on regular schedules again until sometime after Memorial Day.
In the meantime, lots of parents in joint custody arrangements are trying to sort out co-parenting in some very challenging circumstances…
Most of them are showing the kind of child-centered cooperation that gives them a pretty good chance of seeing their way through these circumstances.
Some others, even despite their best efforts, have encountered conflict. Conflict over adjusting timesharing schedules, conflict over how to reschedule summer vacation plans that have been affected, even conflict over how the federal stimulus money earmarked for a child or children should be handled.
How are those conflicts going to be resolved? Or the bigger question: WHEN are those conflicts going to be resolved??
Two quick points: one, I’m encouraging my clients who feel stuck in these conflicts to be open-minded to considering mediation options. This can be done using virtual meetings or video-conferencing technologies, without waiting for courts to reopen. Because even when Courts finally do re-open, it’s certain that hearing schedules are going to be crowded for some time to come. Utilizing mediation options means you might be able to address the conflict NOW, without waiting so long.
Two, if your co-parenting conflict is one that requires a ruling from a judge, and sometimes that’s all that will do, then my advice to my clients is ACT NOW to get the necessary court papers prepared and filed. In other words, if you’re going to HAVE to go before the judge for a hearing, try to go ahead and secure your place in line so you have a better chance of a timely hearing and ruling once Courts have returned to normal hearing schedules. Nobody knows exactly when that might be, but you’d rather be at the front of the line than the back.
If you have a co-parenting conflict and want to explore what action you can take NOW to avoid further delays, I’d love to talk to you and explain how Reed Law Group can help.
Call, click or email the contact information on your screen, and we’ll schedule a consultation to help you decide how to move forward without waiting on the Courts to reopen.
In the meantime, stay healthy, stay safe, and thanks for listening.
Hello my name is maggie and I live in Indiana my grand babys were taken from their mom back in feburary I do believe first they didnt want to acknowledge my son and the father. Now they still arent acknowledging me as the grandma I have a stable home and a very large support system to b able to take care of them
I hope you got your grandbabies back. God bless you and them grandbabies I’ll pray for yall tonight.
I need a family lawyer my child lives in Glasgow ky and her mom is trying to keep me from my child
If you’ll contact our office, we’ll be glad to see if there’s a way we can help you!
Yes i wondering if you could help me get at least child visitation it’s been over two years I have not seen my 12 year old daughter and would like to have a relationship with her but the father and step mother is all the time ignoring me and telling me what I can and can’t do
My ex wife has primary residential custody of our 9 year old but we have 50/50 custody otherwise. I’ve suspected drug use for a couple years now and today it was confirmed. My wife found that she was arrested for stealing and concealing pills from work. I need an attorney that won’t charge a huge retainer and will allow us to make payments. Can’t do legal aide because she’s used them before and is a conflict of interest.
If you’d like to discuss your case in detail, please contact our Intake Specialist at (270) 745-1933 and schedule an Initial Consultation to see how Reed Law Group may be able to help.
Involuntary termination of parental rights
Hello. My son (20 years old) is expecting a baby with a young lady (also 20 years old). They were both students at WKU. My son had to take this semester off due to the abuse and attempts to control him by her and her Mother. She is due in June and are threatening to not let him even be there when she is born. She won’t even give him updates on the baby unless he sends her money. She is mad because he came home with us due to multiple family illnesses. What can we do? Please help us as grandparents and my son as the father.
My parents have my daughter they have had her since she was 1 she is almost 5 now and i have been trying to get her back from them and they are fighting to take
Me to court to get custody of her I am not unfit or have I have everything for her the reason she is with them is because they threaten to call cps on me at 18 I was scared and didn’t know what to do I am trying to get her back please get me some advise
My parents have my child I was wondering how I can go about getting her back from them
I have a family lawyer for my son but haven’t heard back from him I was looking for a consult in regard to my daughter who lives in PA.